Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Halloween Time!

William was not fond of his Buzz Lightyear Costume after he sat on a hay bale and got itchy so he chose this outfit for trick-or-treating

Evan carved his pumpkin all on his own. He even made 3 different faces on it.
It took WIll a while but eventually he reached in and grabbed some goo from his pumpkin.
But it was very slimy so he had daddy do the rest!
Our pumpkins turned out great!

Will's Birthday Party

Nov 2nd William turned 3. We had his birthday party at the house and he had a great time. We had a big bouncer and all the kids (and some adults too....... oh, and the dog....) had a great time playing in it. 

Will had a great time with all his friends!

He got a lot of Thomas stuff and other cool things as well. He loved everything and plays with all of it!
Auntie Christy made a cool Thomas cake! Will was disappointed when we ate most of it and he couldn't see thomas anymore.
He got a new Thomas bike to replace his too small tricycle. He loves it and rides it every day.

Piper's Birthday

We went to Pipers Birthday at Faulkner Family Farms pumpkin patch on October 26th. She turned 2 years old! Wow time flies! 

Persy looking adorable!
Pi found a good pumpkin
Evan tried very hard to find the littlest one!
Will liked the size of this one but put it back in favor of one that was "no green".