Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Will's first day of preschool

I enrolled Will in a preschool on tuesday mornings from 9:15 to 11:15 through Park and Rec. This tuesday was his first day. He did good but his teacher said he was embarrased to sing and dance with the kids and hid his head under his B (his blankie) but was grinning and peaking out at everyone. Here are a few pictures i got of him on his first day.

playing with toys

sitting on the rug

Time to go home

Friday, September 12, 2008

Wills favorite shoes. Thomas The Tank Engine of course!!!

This was a trip to the "Duck Park" behind the T.O. Library. FIrst we feed the ducks and then when the bread is gone the boys chase them all into the water!

Then we play at the park!
Will goes down the slide

And Evan goes down

Will plays on the play structure

Evan scales it

Will Climbs the tree


Evan climbs the tree

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Pictures from the past Week

We went to the Maritime Museum and Memorial in San Pedro. They had all kinds of things from Naval ships in World War II. Here is Will sitting on a boat anchor!

No more Diapers for Will, he has Thomas the Tank Engine underwear! He is very good about using the potty, even when we are out!

William is always ready to go to the pool! He can hold his breath under the water and he can swim all over the pool hanging on to a noodle. He is working on kicking his feet and paddling his arms at the same time. By next summer i predict he will be a good swimmer

Evan Loves to watch Movies but has recently gotten into reading. He got a level 4 star wars book with 153 pages at borders and finished it in 2 days! We get his books from the library now....

William in his Monkey Towel!

 This is Evan on the bullet that shoots out of the big cannon at the Maritime Memorial.

Whats new? Not much

So, i have decided to post a blog for those who do not have myspace and cannot see all the pictures of everyone!
Right now I am working, trying to work more, Brian is in his second semester of nursing school and Evan is living with us! Woo hoo! Will is no longer in diapers and is Really GOOd about using the potty even when we are not at home. I will post more later. For now, a few pictures